Access Keys:

Our Lady Queen of Peace School, Janesboro, Limerick




  1951 – Present.

Janesboro House, home of the Barry family, was situated opposite the present Wilmount Estate.  In the early 1930’s Limerick Corporation demolished the house and built houses.  This new estate was called Janesboro and formed part of the Parish of Donoughmore.  The boys and girls of Janesboro attended the Presentation School Sexton Street.  Some years later, as the number of houses increased the population in the area grew, the need for a local school became evident.  In 1950, Canon Rice P. P. of Donoughmore invited the Presentation Sisters to open a Junior School in Janesboro, which was at that time a very rural area.

The Sisters purchased two fields from Mr. Joe Barry of Southill House and the foundation stone for Our Lady Queen of Peace School was laid early in 1951.  An extract from the writings of Sr. Francis described the area of land on which the school was built:

‘The field in which the school was built was an orchard, but, at a later stage, was used for grazing the horses, which were let in through a small gate.  The built up gateway may still be seen”.

 Along the wall, at the back of the prefab building of the present day were cow byres and a harness room.  Water for the horses was got from a well in the middle of the filed.  When plans for the school were drawn up, Limerick Corporation asked that the site be moved back further from the little bye road in front i.e. O’Donoghue Ave; the Ring Road was in the planning stage at the time.  The result was that the boiler house of the school has a spring well!

 The seven-roomed school i.e. the lower corridor of the present school was opened and blessed by Bishop O’Neill on July 2nd 1951 under the patronage of Our Lady Queen of Peace.  The Presentation Sisters of Sexton Street paid for the cost of the site and the local contribution for the new school.

The second field bought by the Sisters which extended from the back wall of the houses at the end of Colbert Avenue and all of Colbert Park.

The teachers who formed the staff of the new school on 2nd July 1951 were as follows:

   Ms. Mary Toomey
Ms. Annie Ryan
Ms. Power
Sr. Magdalen
Sr. Aloysius
Sr. Alphonsus
And Sr. Celsus who was the first Principal.

Sadly four of these pioneers, Mary Toomey, Annie Ryan, Sr. Celsus and Sr. Magdalen have since gone to God.

The school celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 2001 and here to celebrate this happy occasion with us were Ms. Power, Sr. Aloysius and Sr. Alphonsus.  They are now known as Maire Bean Ui Eichtigheirn, Sr. Claire and Sr. Florence, respectively.

In 1956, with the rapid growth of the population, due to new housing schemes in the Janesboro area, it was thought necessary to provide a top storey for senior pupils in the already existing school.  A second storey was added and opened on July 2nd 1956.  The Presentation Community again paid the local contribution.

At this time Srs. Lorenzo, Francis, Gemma, Concepta, Ms. Noreen Crowe and Ms. Chris Power joined the original staff.  From then on the numbers of the school increased considerably, and many more joined the teaching staff.

Currently there are 34 teachers on the staff.  The Mission Statement drawn up and implemented by them reflects the Presentation philosophy on education and reads as follows:

“Reflecting Presentation tradition we aim to support the development and self worth of staff, pupils and parents in a happy, integrated and respectful atmosphere where each child will achieve his/her full potential.”

A framed copy of this statement was unveiled at a Parents A. G. M. and hangs inside the main door of the school.  This mission statement puts into words the quality of education, academic and spiritual, provided by Our Lady Queen of Peace School down through the years since 1951.  Past pupils of the school have achieved success as Scientists, Gardaí, Nurses, Teachers, Accountants, Wall Street Brokers, Lay Missionaries, Priests, Brothers and Sisters, just to mention a few!

Between 1951 and 1965 the Presentation Sisters travelled from Sexton Street each day to teach in Janesboro School.  In 1967 they established the new convent on the Roxboro Road.  Further housing developments at Kennedy Park and Carew Park called for more school space, as Janesboro School was too small to accommodate the growing numbers seeking admission.

In 1969: “Work began on a new Primary School in Galvone close to the convent.  The estimated cost was £90,000; a grant of 8/9 of this sum was provided by the Department of Education and the remaining 1/9 i.e. £10,000 to be provided by the Sexton Street Presentation Community.  The Assembly Hall was also planned at an estimated cost of £15,000 – 2/3 to be contributed by the Department of Education and the balance to be provided by the Sexton Street community. (Presentation Annals, Limerick).

 Our much-loved Parish Priest, Fr. Pat Houlihan, just three weeks before he died, wrote of his vision for Ireland.  He said:

“Let us create a society in which everybody has the opportunity to develop his or her potential and so lead a fully human life.  We could then look forward with confidence to a young, dynamic and joyous church and nation” (“The Furrow” September 1985).

Is it not significant and perhaps coincidental that the teachers of Our Lady Queen of Peace School, in their mission statement 15 years later, reflect the same high goals and ideals for the youth committed to their care?